Enjoy an interactive, educational, intriguing and memorable New Zealand farm
Ostriches, Emus, Moa and 50+ miniature animals of 18 species.
Price: $10.00 (Adult) $5.00 (Child 2-15yrs)
Petting Farm Open 2-5pm. Farm Tours 4pm Daily.
Tours are in the paddocks so gumboots ideal and
tours are WEATHER dependant! Bookings required.
Ostrich Tour: Get up close and personal
walk-about with Victoria, see Oscar and Diana Ostrich.
Meet pettable Elmo Emu and the Emu girls
Elly-May and Elsie.
Get your snapshot with Sam the Giant Moa. And meet all the 16 varieties of
Miniature Animals.
Learn all the amazing aspects of these EGGS-traordinary Ratite birds (Kiwi
is also in this family – can be seen at the Otorohanga Kiwi House 8km away).
Mini-Menagerie Magic
- Miniature horses, Vicky, Charlotte, Teeny Tiny Timmy and Tonto
- Miniature donkey, Jo Jo
- Miniature alpacas Pablo, Porsha, Parker and other Pacca family
- Miniature Highland Cow - Lizzy, Camilla, tiny Kate and Lilibet
- Mini Hereford/galloway cow, mini bull and rare midget bull, Charlie (one of the smallest bulls in the world (Guinness record 30"))
- Mini kune kune Peppa Pig
- Mini goat Jemima & Lila
- Mini sheep, Swiss Valais Sheep (most lovable in the world), Smallest Sheep in the World - Ouessant Sheep from France, and Rare Baby-Doll Steffie
- Miniature Munchkin cats and kittens, rare-breed with tiny front legs
- Silkie Chicken and mini-lop rabbit, Travis and Flemish girl, Cookie
- Busy Betsy the Miniature Border Collie and Benji the Cavachon + puppies in season
Ostrich Products
Cosmetic products – healing properties for eczema, arthritis and rheumatism.
- Eggs $10-$25 (empty), $50-$60 (fresh laid in season)
- Feathers
- Ostrich leather vests